Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Run That Did Not Happen

Tuesday afternoon, Boyfriend wanted to go hit golf balls at the driving range.  I am hilariously bad at hitting golf balls, so I wanted to go running instead.  Boyfriend suggested that I go running on a path at the golf course.

Initially, this seemed like a great idea.  However, when we arrived at the golf course, I realized that I wasn't familiar with the path at all.  Running alone on an unfamiliar path seemed to me like a recipe for panic.

I began to express my discomfort with the situation.  The conversation went something like this:

Me: Boyfriend, I do not want to do this.

Boyfriend: Why?  You aren't even trying.

Boyfriend and Me: *expletives shouted at one another*

Sometimes (OK, most of the time), people who do not suffer from a mental health issue fail to understand the problems of those who do.  It is hard to be empathetic to a situation that one cannot relate to.

So when Boyfriend suggests I go running on an unfamiliar golf path, this is what he sees:

Pictured: safety.

But this is what I see:


I am getting better though; and I must say that I am seeing more and more "safety" situations in my daily life.  I didn't run that day though, and Boyfriend didn't hit golf balls.  We both have plenty to work on: my courage, and his empathy.

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