Monday, May 20, 2013

Finding Strength

In the midst of panic, anxiety, and depression, I have found one remedy that never fails to help: exercise!

One year ago, I completed my first triathlon.  It was a huge feat for me, considering that I had previously thought that the farthest a person could conceivably run was one mile.  I participated in the same event for the second time yesterday.  In 2012, my time was 1:15:15.  In 2013, I finished in 1:06:29.  I am very proud of my improvement.

Normally, I do the bike and run phases of triathlons with my cell phone in my pocket.  My phone is a security blanket for me.  I'm not comfortable unless I have it with me because I like to feel that I can call someone (anyone!) in case I have a panic attack.

Yesterday though, it was raining.  My fear of ruining my iPhone by having it out in the rain trumped my fear of having a panic attack and not being able to call anyone.  Therefore, I left my phone with Boyfriend at the finish line.

I finished.  I beat my time from last year.  I didn't have my cell phone.  And I didn't have a panic attack.

When I'm not doing triathlons, I just run without the swimming and biking part.  I also ride horses, and do a bit of yoga.  Here is a great anxiety relieving yoga video.  It is short and sweet, but I have found it to be highly effective. 

So, my fellow anxiety sufferers...if you're going through a tough time, obviously take your meds and go to therapy.  But also get off the couch!




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